This option will create a new blank record allowing you to fill each of the fields with a new person’s name, address, etc.
This option will revert to the last saved of the current record.
This option will create a text file containing all records from your PopAddress database.
Export Current Record
This option will create a text file containing only the current record from your PopAddress database.
Delete Address
This option will delete the current address record from the PopAddress database (this is not undoable, be careful!).
Page Setup
This option will allow you to set the printing options for your particular printer. If you are going to be printing envelopes, you must select the proper orientation for printing to envelopes or select the appropriate size envelope if your printer supports it.
Print Envelope
This option will print the current address to an envelope.
Print Current
This option will print the current record.
Print All
This option will print a list of all data from each record.
Print List
This option will print a list of specific data from each record.
Copy Selection and Paste Into App
This option will copy the text selected into the clipboard, quitting PopAddress and will automatically paste into whatever document you are currently in (as long as the application will accept a text paste).
Copy Address and Paste Into App
This option will copy the name and address of the current record into the clipboard, quitting PopAddress and will automatically paste into whatever document you are currently in (as long as the application will accept a text paste).
Copy All Text and Paste Into App
This option will copy all data from the current record into the clipboard, quitting PopAddress and will automatically paste into whatever document you are currently in (as long as the application will accept a text paste).
This option will save any changes and will close PopAddress.
Will undo the last text change made.
Will cut the selected text to the clipboard.
Will copy the selected text to the clipboard.
Will paste any text on the clipboard into the current field.
Will delete the selected text.
Select All
Will select all the text in the current field.
Search for text in any address (see “Searching” below for more information)
Enter Selection
Will enter the text selected as the Find text.
Find Next
Search for next occurrence of the last text searched for.
Dial Phone #1
Dial the phone number in Phone #1 edit box.
Dial Phone #2
Dial the phone number in Phone #2 edit box.
Set Current as Return Address
This option will set the current record as the return address to be used when printing envelopes (only one record at a time can be set as the return address, when you are viewing the current Return Address, you’ll see an ‘*’ character in the upper right of the PopAddress window).
Clear Return Address
This option will turn off the return address (so, until you choose a new return address with the option above, there will be no return address printed when printing an envelope).